Simon Bishop

Once again I have to pay tribute to another departed friend and colleague. Last week saw the sad passing of one of the most talented musicians that I have ever known. The fact that he was a member of the very band I played with for over forty years, The Good Old Boys, brings the blow even closer to home. Simon Bishop joined the group thirty years ago to replace guitarist Alex Chanter who was leaving to form his own band. To say that he was an asset to the group would be an understatement! Although a quiet and unassuming man it didn’t take long for us to realise that his astonishing talent on guitar was something rather special. Simon had the unique ability to embrace all styles of music and his amazing originality made him able to make a song his own.


Simon with the Good Old Boys
Last picture of the Good Old Boys. From left to right: Richard Hudson, Alan Barrett, Pete Parks, Nick Simper, Simon Bishop

Although his style differed from Pete Parks the two of them were able to blend together and compliment each other and after thirty years they developed an almost psychic ability to read each other and create the unique sound of the band. Simon also worked as a music teacher and was always inundated with pupils, all hoping to learn to play like he did! A big part of my enjoyment as bassist for The Good Old Boys was knowing that the other members had the ability to suddenly display a little bit of magic which would make everyone sit up and smile. Simon Bishop was no slouch in that department and audiences would often break into spontaneous applause at some outlandish or outrageously clever demonstration of just what he really could do! Sadly, The Good Old Boys have called it a day after more than forty years, but the fun we had will remain with us forever. Simon, like all the members of the band was an integral part of it, and his passing leaves a huge void in the music business, and in our hearts. I consider it a great privilege to have known him and played alongside him for so many years, a truly talented man who deserves recognition as one of the best!

Rest in peace Simon.